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The truth about turning 30

March 29, 2022 Karianne 4 min read No Comments

In the days leading up to my 30th birthday, I was a wreck. All I wanted to do was lie in bed, watch Harry Potter, and pretend to be a burrito blanket. You know, celebrate my 30th birthday the same way I celebrated turning 29. As far as birthdays go,…

It’s time to unsubscribe

February 22, 2022 Karianne 3 min read No Comments

Netflix announced their price will increase by $2 a month. Amazon will also join the club and raise the monthly subscription for Prime by $2. $2 is not a lot. Some of us might be able to round that up just by looking for change under the couch cushions. However,…

Concussion recovery: where have I been

November 30, 2021 Karianne 4 min read 5 Comments

It used to be a joke. I’d bump my head ever so slightly and say “oop I got a concussion ha ha.” But it’s not funny anymore. When you get a concussion, your head swings between feeling like Megamind or a caveman. Everything hurts your ears and eyes–even the moon…

How Jealousy Can Ruin Your Relationship

October 14, 2021 Karen Doll 3 min read No Comments

Jealousy is an emotion that very commonly creates discord and strife in romantic relationships. While the impact this emotion has on a relationship can vary, it’s usually damaging and generally leads to some level of disconnection. Jealousy can be insidious, as it can start off with one partner feeling mildly concerned…

The end of the Renaissance Festival

August 4, 2021 Karianne 3 min read 5 Comments

Since high school, I’ve tried to go to the Renaissance Festival every year. I was drawn by the incredible dresses, elaborate costumes, stunt shows, talented musicians, comedians, massive turkey legs, and of course live jousting! However, my latest brush with Ren Fest left much to be desired. While people are…

A wonderful wasted weekend

June 1, 2021 Jay Kim 6 min read 2 Comments

Memorial Day Weekend 2021. I just started a new job. Outside of some family emergencies, I haven’t taken any vacation days. This isn’t that uncommon for me. After I started doing mission trips for church, I needed to bank my vacation days to make sure that I had 40 hours…

HALT to save a life

April 21, 2021 Karianne 3 min read 1 Comment

“Oh good! I thought something was wrong with me,” my friend confessed. She had spent the day crying at random times and her emotions were all over the chart. “Nah, nothing’s wrong with you, it’s just that your body can’t perform optimally under the conditions you set,” I added and…
