52 Nostalgic 90s-kid TV Shows
You might be here because you remember sitting on the floor at your friend’s house eating SpaghettiOs from a Tony the Tiger cereal bowl while you crammed in front of the TV to catch the latest episode of your favorite…
You might be here because you remember sitting on the floor at your friend’s house eating SpaghettiOs from a Tony the Tiger cereal bowl while you crammed in front of the TV to catch the latest episode of your favorite…
It’s rare these days that I make it out of my house for a movie. It’s even more rare that I have the luck to watch something in the cinema with someone. On Friday night I found myself wonderfully blessed,…
The opening scene for Far From Home doesn’t feature Spidey fighting a bad guy. We don’t see shenanigans with Peter and Ned returning. Instead, we are greeted with a tribute to Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, and a humorous…
I didn’t cry when Spider-man died in the previous Avengers movie. (That’s not a spoiler. You should know that by now…) They’re gonna bring him back, I reminded myself. They’ll bring them all back. Knowing victory was inevitable, I entered…
I wasn’t going to go. As an online student, homework never stops—not for snow days, sick days, or when you are recruited to photograph an out-of-state 3-day conference…or something like that. But guess what? I was recruited to be the…
The main reason I want a career in animation is because I love stories. I love writing stories, publishing stories, and recording stories. Video combines my passion for music and story telling in the ultimate medium. And animation is the…
“Well worth the wait.” Most conversations around the theater were based on that comment. After seeing the movie on Friday, I agree…mostly. Without spoilers, I’ll try to share my frustrations and the moment I fell in love with the film….
Ready Player One is a fun movie, but not much more than that. It’s a decent film set in an interesting world—a world which many people believe we are heading towards. Still, this films lands right between terrible and great….
I never saw a trailer, instead, I heard about Netflix’s first feature film on the good old fashioned radio. A couple days later Joel finally convinced me to actually watch it. My first impression of Bright was that it’s similar…
Marvel, the action-packed superhero branch of Disney, knows how to make a hit superhero film. With the DC universe, Universal Studios jumped onto the bandwagon a little late, but I can never have enough super hero films. Even though Universal…